How a Marriage Recovers From Addiction

Aug 08, 2023
How a Marriage Recovers From Addiction

Today's guest blog post is from Julie Morris, a life and career coach. She thrives on helping others live their best lives. It's easy for her to relate to clients who feel run over by life because she's been there. Today, she is fulfilled by helping busy professionals, like her past self, get the clarity they need in order to live inspired lives that fill more than just their bank accounts. Check out more of her content here!


Addiction can put a terrible strain on a marriage. Some relationships will not survive without guidance. Read on for tips about putting the past behind you, and moving on, together, into the future.


Get your loved one into treatment

At the end of the day, your loved one will need to believe that they need help. People who are railroaded into therapy often relapse quickly. So what can you do?

First, avoid making judgments and accusations. Addiction is a disease, not their fault. They need help.

Your spouse might respond better to terms like “anger management” and “new behavioral skills” than to the words “shrink” or “counseling.” Above all, don’t engage in diagnosis. Never use words like “bipolar,” “alcoholic,” “sociopathic,” or even “crazy.”

Do, however, make an appointment with their primary physician, share your concerns with their doctor, and then make sure they get to that appointment. With luck, their doctor will recommend a course of treatment. After all, that’s the doctor’s job. It’s your job to love and support.


Find a rehab

Helping a spouse recognize their addiction and take the first step towards recovery can be a challenging journey. It's essential to approach the situation with understanding, patience, and love. Researching the best rehabs is a good starting point. These facilities offer a range of treatments tailored to individual needs, from detox and inpatient programs to outpatient treatments. Remember, it's crucial to involve your spouse in the decision-making process, ensuring they feel supported and involved. Together, you can navigate this challenging path toward recovery and a healthier future.


Use your insurance for treatment

Utilizing health insurance to finance your spouse's addiction treatment can be a significant relief. The extent of coverage often depends on the specifics of your individual insurance plan and benefits, which dictate the substance use treatment services covered, leading to varying out-of-pocket costs.

However, if treatments aren't covered by your insurance or if you're uninsured, it's worthwhile to explore the Affordable Care Act (ACA) exchange for new health insurance. This platform could provide you with a range of affordable options suitable to your needs.

It's also essential to have open conversations with your partner about their substance addiction and the need for treatment and rehab. Remember, comprehensive support from loved ones plays a crucial role in the recovery process.


Restart healthy routines

Confronting a spouse's addiction is a challenging situation that can significantly disrupt the normal routines in a home, including cleaning and organizing tasks. This upheaval can be especially noticeable in high-traffic areas like your children's playroom. However, there are many online resources available to help you regain control and reestablish these routines. By using these resources, you can start to reintroduce structure and order into your home, creating a more conducive environment for healing and recovery


Putting your lives back together

Assuming you have decided to stay in the marriage, you will have to tackle the damage head-on. Many people in recovery find themselves in bad financial straits, and the cost of rehab might well contribute to that condition.

The two of you will need to create a financial recovery plan that focuses on income and debt reduction. A pro bono financial counselor may be helpful with this. If your debt is far beyond what you can pay, even with restructuring, you should consider bankruptcy. Filing Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows you to keep your house, according to the Washington Post.


Finding a new place to live

Navigating financial challenges, especially in the wake of confronting a spouse's addiction, can sometimes mean making difficult decisions like moving out of your current home. However, it's important to remember that this transition can also signify a fresh start.

Fortunately, in today's digital age, finding a new place to live has been made simpler and more accessible than ever before. Online search tools and platforms allow you to filter by location, price range, size, and other specifications to find a house that suits your needs and budget.

 These online tools not only provide detailed information about each property, including photos and often virtual tours, but they also offer insights into the neighborhood, such as nearby schools and amenities. This makes it easier to find a local house to rent that meets your family's needs during this time of change. Remember, while this may be a challenging period, it's also an opportunity for a new beginning.

People in recovery have their own unique challenges. And each marriage involving a recovery is different. Some spouses will bend over backwards to forgive and move on while others will need to separate. If you decide to stay together, know that there will be work and sacrifice. Start with a good rehab and use your insurance to ease the financial burden, restart healthy cleaning routines, and find a new place to live if necessary. With patience and determination, you can move forward together into a brighter future.


Whether you’re single or in a relationship, you can visit for further life advice.


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